Foam and Insulation Tulsa | The Ceiling Material
Hello, my name is Seth Blackwell, and I want to talk about, um, different ways to insulate residential housing. Um, probably the, the way that, that most are familiar with is done in two separate phases. Uh, there’ll be the first phase where you come in and address all the exterior walls and Foam and Insulation Tulsa walls and any ceiling material that may be blocked off by sheet rock on your first phase. And then the second phase is done after sheet rock and we’ll say majority of the trades are done, we’ll say right before the closing of the house, uh, we would come back and install a loose fill fiberglass attic, uh, with this type of system. That does mean that that is a ventilated attics, which means that it has soft events in the eaves and a roof fence up around or on the peak of the house. This allows your attic air to actually change over Foam and Insulation Tulsa
It is also pretty important measure as far as the operation of your house, that it has adequate attic ventilation. A, an addict that doesn’t vent correctly, traps in heat during the summertime, and does not change over that air, which just puts your attic in a, in a higher temperature range for your house to actually fight against that temperature. So you definitely, in a ventilated attics situation, um, attic ventilation, the correct amount of attic ventilation is definitely important. Foam and Insulation Tulsa, the other way that we can insulate your home is where we actually do both phases at the same time. And we’re going to actually move that thermal boundary from across the sheet rock ceiling and we’re actually gonna move that boundary to your roof. Um, there are a couple measures that we do need to make sure happen for us to be able to move that to the roof line, that thermal boundary to the roof line.
One thing is any combustion appliances have to definitely get their combustion air from the outside of the living space. What that means is if you, it’s very common to have your furnaces. I’m installed in the attic and most of the time those are natural gas furnaces. Um, so they do need to be, uh, an upgraded higher efficiency gas furnace. They need to pull the combustion air straight from the outside. They also need to vent their flue gases straight to the outside because we’re moving that boundary. We are converting your attic into a semi condition space, which means that it is a code violation to pull the combustion air from your living space. After we’ve addressed that, we also need to talk about Hvac sizing with a full foam envelope house, a unventilated attic. Typically you are going to be able to adjust your Hvac, um, call for your Btu down from, uh, the typical is 500 square feet per ton up to around the neighborhood of about 800 square feet per ton.
So you definitely get to downsize your hvac equipment, which is good. That leads into why you save money with foam. You’re not only just saved them money on the front end of purchasing a smaller piece of equipment, it actually, it costs quite a bit less to operate that same piece of equipment just because of its size. Uh, one thing that we definitely recommend, uh, in every full foam house is an ERV, which stands for energy recovery, ventilator. This is actually a device that actually changes over the air when we do a full phone, we do foam in the walls and falling on the roof line and it’s a sealed structure. We actually take that down to an unsafe level of air tightness, which means that you need to mechanically change over the air. The reason that we want to bring that down as low as possible and then have something, uh, as far as a piece of equipment changing over your air is you get the correct amount of air changed over, no more, no less than what that structure calls for Foam and Insulation Tulsa.
Every house has a volume of air and this will be designed to change over the correct amount of that. Volume of air is many times throughout the day is unnecessary and [inaudible], you do not want your air to stagnate. You have to change it over with the outside. Foam and Insulation Tulsa in a ventilated system, you’re actually going to change over your air more on a windy day versus a non windy day. So this brings it into where it’s a true measured amount and it’s operating the same way 365 days a year. So you actually get a better change over a more calculated changeover. So after we’ve addressed those issues, as far as where are we getting our combustion air for all of our combustion appliances, and then also, um, making sure that making sure that the.