Foam and Insulation Tulsa | A Projection of Solutions
Hello, my name is said black and I want to talk a little bit about hers ratings, what, what they are, how it benefits you and your home. I’m a hers rating as a home energy rating and a kind of the shorthand and I will go into detail is it, is what gives you your label as far as how more efficient, how much more efficient is your house compared to a standard Codeville home? And there’s a, there’s a particular way and the way that they go about it. So a first step that they do is they actually take a, like I said, of House plans, Foam and Insulation Tulsa, and they, and they enter a projected her score and a program called the rim, right? Rim Ray is a, a computer software that is regulated by resonance, the Residential Energy Network that you input data of a particular project and you basically put all aspects of this house.
What type of sheathing, what type of a Stud Bay is a two before two, but six. Is it a brick house? What’s the orientation of the house? Does this house face west, south, north? How many windows? What’s the grade of insulation typically? Installation runs in a grade of one, two and three. A foam being the highest grade, a grade one installation, Foam and Insulation Tulsa, it calculates the exact volume of the actual airspace needed to be changed over and you’re conditioned space. It determines whether it’s a ventilated attic or a unventilated data. It puts all these measures into rim, right? And then that it even goes into what type of light bulbs that you’re going to have throughout the house, what type of furnace this and that. It puts all this into rim, right? And then you get a projection of what that house should score as the way that her score works is exactly like a golf score.
You start out at a hundred and a hundred is a standard code built home. That’s the, uh, the uh, uh, the baseline. Okay. And then you work backwards from there. As an example, if you have a hers score, a projected her to score of a 50, then that means that your house or that projected house is 50 percent more efficient than a standard built home. It’s the same thing. If your score was 60, it will be 40 percent more efficient, so that’s Kinda how it works. You get a projected, a hers score based on how you want to build a home and then you actually get into the application of these things and there’s a verification at the end. Now through hers inspection in a hers built home, do you have to have your projection? And then you also have to have an installation inspection. This is where he actually comes in, a hearse inspector who has gone through all these certifications and classes.
Uh, he’s a certified hers rater. It’s a separate licensing. Um, he comes in and fully inspects the installation. No other city, Foam and Insulation Tulsa other municipalities has a even states that do not have insulation inspections. And this is where I really think that this separates itself from other inspections because this is specifically looking at your insulation and how the installation was done. The reason that the inspection is so important is because if there’s an issue that’s discovered during final testing, you can not go back and and repair the issues in most cases because it’s covered up or isolated by sheet rock, so we we go through the build, will go through the installation. The hers inspector comes out of, does his inspection and either has a list of corrections or he gives it a green tag. Now what that green tag can get you is a lot of times that will qualify you for a different energy programs.
A rebate programs around PSL does a energy rebate program and then a ong does one as well and I believe, Oh gee, and he does as well, but I’m not real familiar with it, but a lot of these energy companies that are issuing these rebates use hers or resonance standards for their programs. So you do have to have A. Hers rater on staff. Point is, is if you do decide to go with this energy efficient type of build to where you want to make sure that your house is performing, it’s projected to perform. This will also qualify you to where you could potentially get some dollars coming back to you in the form of rebates, so after he does his inspection, he either puts a green tag or he gives a corrections installation company, Foam and Insulation Tulsa makes the corrections, and then the house continues on as as normal with the bill before you move in, before you close on it, you have a final inspection and the final inspection is a little bit more critical as far as you’re actually going to see what was projected and now you need to see those in actual data coming through and they’re going to perform a test called a blower door tests.
They’re also gonna. It’s gonna be two tests, blower door test, and a duct blaster test. The blower door test actually is a way to measure all the infiltration through the entire structure. What they do is they put up a big fan in the front door. It kind sets in a frame and they hook some, uh, some electrical equipment to it and they’re actually going to draw air out. And on this fan is a is a device that measures the amount, the CFM, the cubic feet per minute that you’re able to evacuate out of the house. This is also what tells us how much air is allowed to come in the house. You can only remove what’s allowed to come in, so that gives us our infiltration numbers and we’re really wanting to make sure that that number is at an acceptable amount because with a foam, typically you get to downsize your equipment, so we need to make sure that that infiltration number is down far enough that it will actually appease the smaller Hvac unit Foam and Insulation Tulsa.
After he’s done a blower door tests and everything looked good there, now he’s actually gonna put tape over all the registers and duct work is actually going to pressurize those ducks and determine the duct leakage to. Now one cool thing about a full phone where we actually take the foam and the roof line is any duct leakage is actually not duct leakage is actually leaks to your positive gain because it’s still inside the conditioned space. So that’s actually a major benefit with going full foam is that you truly cannot have any duct leakage. So anyways, they get the test completed. The numbers came out how they were supposed to. Typically it’s because of a very thorough thermal bypass or installation inspection. Once he sees the data that he’s looking for, Foam and Insulation Tulsa he records that in. He goes back into the rim, right program, he inputs the new physical data that the actual numbers and then that gives you your final hers score and report.
And with this report there’s a few things that are kind of important to a lot of people is it does have, based on the type of light bulbs that you’re gonna use the type of equipment that you have installed in your house and how many occupants are in your house. It will give you a projected yearly or an annual energy costs. It’ll give you a, an annual costs for he and annual cost for cooling, and then also a annual cost for. For lighting. It doesn’t go into much detail after that, but it does give you, kind of have an idea of what a yearly operating costs for the house as far as the energy efficiency goes. Um, so this is all packaged together. Uh, you don’t have to do as a, as a consumer or a builder. You don’t have to do anything except hire hers rater and they take it out from here. Foam and Insulation Tulsa, I don’t talk much about prices. I let them do that. Um, they are third party. They don’t work for anybody. Most of these hers raters around here, they, they, they own their own businesses and they worked for you. So you hire them and it’s just a really awesome way to truly verify that you are building an energy efficient home. And like I said, it also opens the doors for a potential rebates from energy companies. Um, and that’s, that’s all I have on that.