Foam and Insulation Tulsa | better control of your environment
Making sure that the, um, erv is at least in the plans to be installed that way because at the end of the day, we want your house to function correctly. Another measure that we need to be a little critical on is the ventilation fans that are typically installed in bathrooms. Um, there was definitely need to be run to the outside. Um, I recommend that those are actually put on a humidistat which just measure the humidity level in the bathroom and it actually operates the fan. It turns it on when it needs to be turned on, it turns off whenever it needs to be turned off with a sealed house and you create a lot of humidity, Foam and Insulation Tulsa it has nowhere to go and needs to be removed. The only measure of humidity control that you’ll have is your air conditioner. So when your air conditioner is not running, um, it’s not removing humidity.
So typically most take showers in the morning time. There’s usually not a call for your hvac equipment to be running in the morning time. So this is a good application to where you’re running your ventilation fan. I’m getting rid of those, the humidity created from the shower without needing your full system to run A. I definitely recommend everything put to the outside, uh, to, to have a better control of your environment. Now, one of the questions that I get asked a lot, and this is more pertains to more to the remodel side, is can I have fiberglass in my attic at the traditional spot on the ceiling and still have it in my roof line? And the answer is no Foam and Insulation Tulsa. The reason is, is you do you want both of these spaces to communicate? You want the attic, which in a full phone application, full ventilate or unventilated attic is that volume of air in your attic is now part of the semi condition space.
So you need that to communicate with the conditioned space. I’m in your house now most of the time in a single story or even in a second story, all the returns, that’s what picks up the air to take to your hvac equipment are put inside the living space. There’s not anything put inside the attic space, but you still need to condition that era as well because it is a conditioned space, so typically the best way to do that is to just not install really any air sealing measures or, Foam and Insulation Tulsa, any fiberglass or any, any other type of thermal boundary across the top. We’re not concerned about that communication because it’s communicating between a conditioned space in a conditioned space. We would care about that a lot more. If that attic was an unconditioned space, we would not want that air to get into the house and we would take measures to prevent that.
But in this situation, we want those spaces communicate that way. You do not get a relative humidity or relative temperature in your attic. These all need to operate about the same. So in a full foam house, when you go up into your attic, it’s going to feel plus or minus five degrees, pretty much the same as what is in the actual living space. Now there is a pretty major benefit to have in that attic space, which incorporates more air to change over, but Foam and Insulation Tulsa there’s a pretty awesome benefit to actually creating your attic and an unventilated space. Majority of the duct work is all ran through the attic and I’m sure that they probably go above and beyond and trying to make sure that your ducks are sealed correctly. However, if you do have a little duct leakage, this is a situation where you actually do not lose the money.
Um, when you have a duct leak that leaks to a conditioned space, you don’t actually lose the energy it is to your benefit. So all your duct work essentially is all ran in a conditioned space. So any duct leakage is actually to a positive gain. You don’t have to have the duct leakage. We want Hvac guys to install all their ducks as tight as possible, but this is a benefit because you know, everybody’s a human. Um, the other thing is the environment that your hvac equipment is in, um, rather than it running during the summertime in 120 degree under in 30 degree environment. This is going to be running in potentially a 75 degree environment. Foam and Insulation Tulsa, I don’t have any data to support whether that extends the life of a unit, but just common sense tells me that anything not having to work in a harsh condition, and this does include winter clearly never gets.
I’m anywhere near freezing up in a full foam attic and we’re working on that plus or minus five degrees of what the actual temperature in the houses. So it’s running in basically a constant environment, not constant temperature through its entire life of that unit. And I would like to think that that extends the life or at least cuts down on some maintenance issues through the life of that unit. So as far as what is the main difference between a traditional build and a full envelope and in the words that are going to be key is um, air sealing or air control. When you’re controlling the air infiltration of a structure and the amount of times that it gets to change over that air. You’re controlling energy efficiency. Foam and Insulation Tulsa this is part of the reason why a full foam house, even though it may spec out that it has a slightly less, our value will outperform sometimes two to one over a traditional fiberglass ventilated attic because it’s controlling the air infiltration. I’m quite a bit better, if not perfectly. We do pull these down to less than one air change per hour. And just to get you, I’m kind of a comparison. A traditionally built home is somewhere between seven and nine. Air changes an hour. So we do spray foam is a great tool to use as far as controlling the air infiltration in just about any type of project. So this is the difference between a ventilated attic and I’m in an in a non ventilated fulfill Madec.